
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Church as Branded Environment

In the Branded Environments class, we were to explored a branded environment that was not focused on the sales of goods or services. The instructor loosely defined a branded environment as an experiential design, with intent to manipulate (not necessarily in a bad way). In my mind, the prototype of that definition would be a church. Fortunately, I have a Gothic church right across the street.

St. Ita's Church

By happenstance, each condo I have bought in Chicago has been across from a major church. When I lived in Lakeview, Our Lady of Mount Carmel was across the alley. In Uptown, I was across the street from St. Mary of the Lake. We currently are across the street from St. Ita's, which is our view from our bedroom and living room windows.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cities Struggle With Not So Pretty Vacancy | The New Republic

"weak and antiquated state laws--on tax foreclosure, land banking, code enforcement, and other areas--can have huge influence on what properties get redeveloped"

Full Article: Cities Struggle With Not So Pretty Vacancy | The New Republic

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Globalisation of Feng Shui

"Practised in China for over 6,000 years, feng shui has played a significant role in shaping the country’s architecture. Despite attempted suppression during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, feng shui has not only remained prominent in its country of origin, but has become well known across the Western world too."

full article: ZoukArchitects » The Globalisation of Feng Shui